All You Need To Know About The New Backless Booster Seat Law…

The UK law regarding Backless Booster Seats is set to change next month. Here’s all you need to know…

Under current UK laws ALL children must travel in a car using the correct seat regarding their weight and height or until they reach 12 years old, or 135cm tall (whichever is first), meaning children as young as 3 years old can use Backless Booster Seats, also known as a Booster Cushion. 

New UK regulations, expected in March 2017, will see this change. Backless Booster Seats will only be approved for older children that are taller than 125cm (4ft 1ins) and weighing more than 22kg (3st 7lbs) however, if you purchased a Backless Booster Seat before December 2016 then you won’t be breaking the law and you can continue to use whilst travelling in your car, so long as your current Booster seat meets current safety standards. However, it is advised that you purchase a High Backed Booster for your little one’s safety as it can offer more protection in a side impact crash situation. Many child car seat experts have said that the booster seat is unsuitable for smaller children as the adult seat belt isn’t guided across the child’s body in the best possible way.

All Booster seats purchased from December 2016 will have the new UK regulations clearly labelled with an’E’ in a circle on them giving parents piece of mind that they are using the correct seat for their child and are complying with the new UK law regarding child car seats and safety.

For more information, please visit GOV.UK

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